

A Non-Profit Organization

(Revised 06/04/2019)

ARTICLE I – Name and Address

The name of this organization shall be “Kaufman Quilt Guild”.

The Address of this organization is P.O. Box 1241, Kaufman, TX 75142.

ARTICLE II – Objective

The Kaufman Quilt Guild was formed August 10, 2002 to promote fellowship among persons interested in all aspects of quilting; to preserve our quilt making heritage and traditions and to participate in quilt related projects that are in service to our community.

ARTICLE III – Membership/Dues

A. A member in good standing is defined as a member whose dues are paid on time, attended a minimum of nine (9) meetings and fulfilled mandatory requirements.

B. The Guild shall have three (3) classes of members:

Section 1. Charter Member – a member who joined from August 2002 – September 2002 and has maintained active membership status continuously since that time. This member is entitled to attend regular Guild meetings, pay annual dues as provided in Article III Section D., participate in Guild activities, and/or work on committees, vote, hold office or committee chairmanship, and receive the monthly newsletter.

Section 2. Active Member – This member is entitled to attend regular Guild meetings, pay annual dues as provided in Article III Section D., participate in Guild activities, and/or work on committees, vote, hold office or committee chairmanship, and receive the monthly newsletter.

Section 3. Junior Member – A member who is age 10-17. This member is entitled to pay annual dues, attend regular Guild meetings, participate in Guild Activities, and receive the monthly newsletter. Junior members shall not have the right to vote or hold office.

Section 4. Due to the communal nature of sleeping and bathing facilities at most retreats attended by Guild members, all retreat participants must be of the same gender and must be 18 years or older to attend.

C. Annual dues:

Section 1. The Kaufman Quilt Guild fiscal year shall be September 1 to August 31.

Section 2: Annual dues shall be paid on or before the last regular meeting of the fiscal year.

Section 3. Returning guild members paying dues after the August Guild meeting will be penalized $5.00.

Section 4. Dues for new members joining the guild after March 1 shall be prorated 50% of annual membership dues.

Section 5. Visitors are welcome for their first meeting. Thereafter, there will be a $5.00 admission charge per meeting.

D. The schedule payment of annual dues by Guild members shall be as follows:

Active Members $25.00

Active Members (Senior = 65+) $20.00

Charter Members $20.00

Charter Members (Senior = 65+) $15.00

Junior Members $15.00

E. The Executive Board, by affirmative vote of two-thirds, may suspend or expel a member for cause after appropriate hearing.

ARTICLE IV – Officers and Executive Board

A. Officers:

Section 1. The elected officers of the Kaufman Quilt Guild shall be:

President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected at the July meeting.

Section 2. Officers are expected to attend a minimum of nine (9) regular meetings and nine (9) Executive Board meetings.

B. Executive Board:

Section 1. The President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and President Emeritus shall be known as the Executive Board. The Executive Board reserves the right to contact Charter members and/or Committee chairs for advice, as needed.

Section 2. The President’s vote shall not be counted unless there is a tie, at which time it shall be counted as a tiebreaker. The President is an ex-officio non-voting member of all committees except the nominating committee.

Section 3. The Executive Board may approve any expenditure of Guild funds up to $300.00. Any expenditure above $300.00 must be approved by the Guild.

Section 4. Approval of the annual budget of items over $300.00 is seen as guild approval.

ARTICLE V -Nominations and Elections

A. Nominating Committee

Section 1. At the regular May Executive Board meeting, members shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) or five (5) members, one (1) of which shall be an Executive Board member, but not the President, and the remaining shall be members at large. The members of the Nominating Committee will be announced at the May Guild meeting

Section 2. The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be to review candidates from the Guild roster to determine a member’s qualifications and those suggested by the membership in writing no later than the June Guild meeting. They shall contact all candidates deemed qualified to ascertain if they will serve. From this group, they shall compile a list of candidates to present to the membership at the June meeting and be published in the newsletter prior to the July meeting.

B. Elections.

Section 1. Voting for the new officers shall take place during the July meeting, following presentation by the Nominating Committee of the chosen list of officers.

Section 2. Nominations shall be taken from the floor. Any such nominee shall meet the qualifications as stated in these by-laws

Section 3. Voting shall follow immediately. A simple majority of those present shall elect.

Section 4. All officers and chairmen shall assume their duties at the September meeting.

Section 5. If, during the fiscal year, a member of the Executive Board should find that she is unable to fulfill her duties of office, a replacement shall be suggested by the Executive Board and voted on at the next regularly scheduled Guild meeting. A simple majority vote of those present shall elect.

Section 6. Candidate for an officer position must be an active-member of the Guild in good standing for two (2) years and attend the required amount of Executive Board and Guild meetings as stated in Article III Section A. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Section 7. An elected officer’s term of office shall be one (1) year, but she may serve an additional one (1) year term, if elected.

Section 8. Elected officers shall not serve more than two (2) years consecutively in the same position

ARTICLE VI – Duties of Officers

A. The President:

Section 1. The President shall preside at all regular and Executive Board meetings.

Section 2. She shall appoint special committees as needed and be a member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee.

Section 3. The President shall communicate monthly with each committee chairperson to receive an update on committee activity.|

Section 4. The President votes only in case of a tie.

Section 5. Is the official spokesperson for the guild.

Section 6. She shall fulfill all responsibilities described in the Officer and Committee Job Descriptions.

B. 1st Vice President:

Section 1. The 1st Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President.

Section 2. She shall be responsible for all membership needs and any other duties the President shall designate

Section 3. She shall fulfill all responsibilities described in the Officer and Committee Job Descriptions.

C. 2nd Vice President:

Section 1. The 2nd Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and/or the 1st Vice President and any other duties the President shall designate.

Section 2. The 2nd Vice-President shall be responsible for scheduling monthly programs and compiling this information in the form of a Yearbook.

Section 3. She shall fulfill all responsibilities described in the Officer and Committee Job Descriptions

D. Secretary

Section 1. The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the regular and Executive Board meetings.

Section 2. Shall conduct the general correspondence of the Guild.

Section 3. She shall fulfill all responsibilities described in the Officer and Committee Job Descriptions.

E. Treasurer

Section 1. The Treasurer shall collect all monies and keep accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of the Guild.

Section 2. She shall maintain the Guild bank account and present a monthly financial statement to all members.

Section 3. She shall be required to prepare all Federal and State Financial and/or Information reports.

Section 4. She shall fulfill all responsibilities described in the Officer and Committee Job Descriptions

F. President Emeritus

Section 1. She shall advise the Executive Board.

Section 2. She is an ex-officio non-voting member of the Executive Board.

Section 3. She shall fulfill all responsibilities described in the Officer and Committee Job Descriptions.

ARTICLE VII – Meetings

A. Regular Meetings: The regular meeting of the Guild shall be held on the 1st Tuesday of each month unless deemed necessary to reschedule by the Executive Board.

B. Annual Meeting: The regular meeting in August shall be known as the annual meeting and shall be for the purpose of installing officers, receiving annual reports and for any other final business.

C. Quorum: One-third of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business at the regular meeting of the Guild.

D. Executive Board Meetings:

Section 1. All Executive Board meetings are open to membership; the location, date and time to be communicated to the Guild members prior to the meeting.

Section 2. Officers are expected to attend a minimum of nine (9) regular meetings and nine (9) Executive Board meetings when held. If an officer misses more than three (3) meetings, the officer’s position may be submitted to the members for a new election to fill the position, at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Section 3. Committee chairs are expected to attend a minimum of nine (9) regular Guild meetings. Any committee chairman missing more than three (3) meetings may be replaced by the Executive Board if deemed necessary, unless exempted by the executive board

ARTICLE VIII – Standing Committees

A. The Standing Committees as listed in the Officer and Committee Job Descriptions shall be appointed by the incoming President, approved by the Executive Board and published in the yearbook annually.

B. The chairs of these committees will be on a volunteer basis and be approved by the Executive Board. Any appointee shall be a member in good standing for at least one (1) year, unless exempted by the Executive Board.

C. All chairmen shall contact the President prior to each monthly Guild meeting with a report via written or electronic communication.

ARTICLE IX Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order newly revised or the latest addition thereof, shall govern all proceedings except where inconsistent with the Bylaws of this organization.

ARTICLE X– Amendment of Bylaws

A. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular monthly Guild meeting by a simple majority of those in attendance, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing by email, and printed in the newsletter the meeting prior to the meeting where voting takes place, with a copy available for review at meeting when voting takes place.

B. These changes shall take effect immediately after the vote.

C. These By-Laws shall be reviewed and/or revised, as necessary, or every three years.

D. Any amendment adopted by the Guild shall be published in the next Guild yearbook.